Risikowarnung: CFD sind komplexe Instrumente und gehen wegen der Hebelwirkung mit dem hohen Risiko einher, schnell Geld zu verlieren. 79.27% der Kleinanlegerkonten verlieren Geld beim CFD-Handel mit diesem Anbieter. Sie sollten überlegen, ob Sie verstehen, wie CFD funktionieren und ob Sie es sich leisten können, das hohe Risiko einzugehen, Ihr Geld zu verlieren.

79.27% der CFD-Kleinanlegerkonten verlieren Geld.

Risikowarnung: CFD sind komplexe Instrumente und gehen wegen der Hebelwirkung mit dem hohen Risiko einher, schnell Geld zu verlieren. 79.27% der Kleinanlegerkonten verlieren Geld beim CFD-Handel mit diesem Anbieter. Sie sollten überlegen, ob Sie verstehen, wie CFD funktionieren und ob Sie es sich leisten können, das hohe Risiko einzugehen, Ihr Geld zu verlieren.

Week’s main events (June 17 – June 21)
Week’s main events (June 17 – June 21) This week, investors will focus on inflation data from the UK, Eurozone and Japan, as well as the Bank of England (BoE), Swiss National Bank (SNB), Norges Bank(NB), Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) and People’s Bank of China (PBoC) meetings. None of the banks are expected ...
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Week’s main events (June 10 – June 14)
Week’s main events (June 10 – June 14) This is a week full of important economic events. The US Federal Reserve will hold a monetary policy meeting. The Fed is expected to leave interest rates unchanged at the end of its two-day meeting on Wednesday, with market watchers focusing on ...
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Week’s main events (June 03 – June 07)
Week’s main events (June 03 – June 07) This week promises to be volatile due to a lot of important events. The US Nonfarm Payrolls is the week’s main event, as it is one of the most essential parameters for the Fed’s monetary policy decision. Economists believe the US employment ...
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Week’s main events (May 27 – May 31)
Week’s main events (May 27 – May 31) This week promises to be less volatile. The main focus of investors will be on inflation data. In the US, the PCE Price Index report will be released, which FOMC policymakers consider more accurate than CPI. A slight increase is expected, but ...
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Week’s main events (May 20 – May 24)
Week’s main events (May 20 – May 24) On Wednesday, the Fed is scheduled to release the minutes of its May 1 meeting, where Fed Chairman Jerome Powell said rates are likely to remain on hold for a long time amid persistent inflationary pressures. The US, China, the Eurozone, and the ...
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Week’s main events (May 13 – May 17)
Week’s main events (May 13 – May 17) Investors will be watching the US Producer and Consumer Price Index data this week for signs that price pressures are finally easing after months of solid inflation that raised fears that the Federal Reserve would not cut interest rates this year. The ...
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Week’s main events (May 06 – May 10)
Week’s main events (May 06 – May 10) This week will be less economically eventful than the previous one. The main events will be the meetings of the central banks of the United Kingdom and Australia. The BoE is expected to keep rates unchanged. While Bank of England officials were ...
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Week’s main events (April 29 – May 03)
Week’s main events (April 29 – May 03) This week promises to be volatile due to a lot of important events. The US Nonfarm Payrolls is the week’s main event, as it is one of the most significant parameters for the Fed’s monetary policy decision. Economists believe the US employment ...
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Week’s main events (April 22 – April 26)
Week’s main events (April 22 – April 26) This week’s main events will be the Bank of Japan meeting and the PCE index data, which is considered a more critical inflation indicator for the US Fed. Economists forecast PCE inflation to remain elevated in March. Recent data indicating that progress ...
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Week’s main events (April 15 – April 19)
Week’s main events (April 15 – April 19) Geopolitics will be the primary focus this week. Iran’s attack on Israel caused a sharp spike in volatility in the financial markets, and this volatility will remain with us for a few more days, at least. Regarding economic events, traders will focus ...
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