Advertencia de Riesgo: Los CFD son instrumentos complejos y están asociados a un riesgo elevado de perder dinero rápidamente debido al apalancamiento. El 79.27% de las cuentas de inversores minoristas pierden dinero en la comercialización con CFD con este proveedor. Debe considerar si comprende el funcionamiento de los CFD y si puede permitirse asumir un riesgo elevado de perder su dinero.

79.27% de las cuentas minoristas de CFD pierde dinero.

Advertencia de Riesgo: Los CFD son instrumentos complejos y están asociados a un riesgo elevado de perder dinero rápidamente debido al apalancamiento. El 79.27% de las cuentas de inversores minoristas pierden dinero en la comercialización con CFD con este proveedor. Debe considerar si comprende el funcionamiento de los CFD y si puede permitirse asumir un riesgo elevado de perder su dinero.

Week’s main events (August 07- August 11)
Week’s main events (August 07 – August 11) It will be a relatively quiet week for economic events. The main focus of investors will be the US inflation rate data. Economists expect the annual inflation rate to be moderate and show little change. The UK is due to release monthly GDP data for ...
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Week’s main events (July 31- August 04)
Week’s main events (July 31 – August 04) This week’s main events will be data on the labor market (Nonfarm Payrolls) in the United States, as well as interest rate meetings of the central banks of England and Australia. Analysts forecast that both the Bank of England (BoE) and the Reserve Bank of ...
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Week’s main events (July 17- July 21)
Week’s main events (July 17 – July 21) Inflation data will continue to dominate the economic agenda this week. In Canada, the UK, and New Zealand, inflation is expected to decline, while inflationary pressures are expected to intensify in the Eurozone and Japan. Traders should also keep a close eye on China’s economic ...
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Week’s main events (July 10- July 14)
Week’s main events (July 10 – July 14) Last week, investors were mainly focused on the FOMC minutes and Nonfarm Payrolls data. A strong labor market report increases the likelihood of another two hikes by the US Fed. This week, the main focus of investors will be on inflation data in the United ...
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Week’s main events (July 03- July 07)
Week’s main events (July 03 – July 07) This week promises to be volatile due to a lot of important events. The US Nonfarm Payrolls is the week’s main event, as it is one of the most important parameters for the Fed’s monetary policy decision. Continued strength in the labor market could strengthen ...
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Week’s main events (June 26- June 30)
Week’s main events (June 26 – June 30) There will be several important events in the coming week. The main event will be the inflation data in Europe, Canada, and Australia. Inflationary pressures are expected to fall everywhere, but there may be surprises as the fall in global inflation slows. On Wednesday, there ...
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Economic Calendar (ES)
Calendario económico Qué es un calendario económico Un calendario económico es una herramienta que incluye todos los eventos económicos importantes. Algunos calendarios también contienen los indicadores, los índices y las calificaciones relevantes. El calendario económico de JustMarkets ofrece: más de 1000 eventos económicos; seguimiento en tiempo real en más de ...
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